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April 27, 2013


Okay, I know, I've been bad. I haven't picked up the laptop and clicked 'new post' in way too long, and I'm sorry. However... MY PORTFOLIO IS FINALLY DONE! The relief is insane. As of Monday at 2pm (GMT) I am no longer a student, and have a ridiculous mix of feelings about the approaching end. I'm looking forward to handing in my work, I'm really pleased with it this time around so don't feel to anxious about that, (she says until 1.30pm rolls around and she starts shaking) it's more what comes after that I'm nervous for. I literally with have nothing to do. Job hunt starts now! 
I do have a slight plan though... and LOADS of plans for this blog - [watch this space] including a new name, complete design overhaul etc etc... basically I'm getting serious. I hope you like it, but do bear with, it will take a little while to get going.
I've been applying for fashion magazine internships left right and centre, so hopefully I might bag one of those and then work my way in to the industry. 
What has everyone been up to? Is anyone else nearing the end of uni and freaking out like me?!
Love xx 

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on being all done!

    It's been 6 years since I finished uni (urk!) but I still remember the nerves!
